Sometimes it feels like making friends has never been harder. Your days are jam packed with #allthethings, and it can feel like there just isn't time for friendship.
But you are lonely, and although social media can make you feel connected for a moment, it often ends up leaving you depleted & unsure of yourself.
You need friends who can give you a hug when you've had a bad day, be a listening ear when you want to talk about your latest awesome idea, make you laugh with late night meme texts, and make you vegan lasagna when things are too crazy for cooking.
I get it. In fact, after moving all the way across the country from NJ/PA to California last summer, I needed these things more than ever. And after implementing a variety of friendship strategies, my network of acquaintances and FRIENDS is flourishing beyond what I could have imagined. I want this for you too, which is why I am inviting you to take part in the #friendsonpurposeproject!
Friends On Purpose Project is a *free* 28 day Facebook group designed to inspire, encourage, and challenge you to make real life, in-person friendships. Your guides will be nine incredible women – writers and business owners – who are passionate about community and friendship. You’ll be surrounded by a warm encouraging group of women who are also working towards the same goals. As you share your experiences, you’ll be cheered on, and even be rewarded with some sweet giveaways. We would love for you to join us on this adventure!