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SUSTAIN: an 8-day online experience


Retreat 2019 is over.

Maybe you were able to make it to experience the magic with us in person (hooray!); maybe it wasn’t in the cards for you this year (we missed you!).

Whichever it was, you want those feelings of being in circle. Connection to women who really see your beauty and depth. Tapped into your raw creativity, buzzing with a feeling that you really CAN do/have/be whatever the hell you want. That feeling of being seen, felt, and heard by others who are waiting to hold space for your stories. A boost of inner brave to help make a looming decision that is truly aligned with what is best for you.

You are wondering…

How do I sustain my commitment to what matters most to me?

How can I rhythmically renew my presence and movement towards connection, wholeness and thriving?

Don’t worry, we got you. ;)

Join us for SUSTAIN: an 8 day online experience. During SUSTAIN, we will move through the elements of air, fire, water, earth and ether as we renew and recharge our connections and commitments to our inne(r)evolution.

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Who: Any woman who is seeking continued space, inspiration and support

What: 8-day Inne(R)evolution Sustain Experience

When: May 5 through May 12 (Sunday to Sunday)

Where: Pop-up Facebook Group (open for 8 days only)

Why: To sustain or reconnect to a sense of sanctuary within and to cultivate joy, ease, clarity and strength on your journey of becoming your most aligned & awesome rock star self

How Much: $5-50 donation - all proceeds go into the Scholarship Fund for Inne(R)evolution offerings (including next year’s retreat!)


When you join this pop-up circle of support, you receive:

  • Private Pop Up Group Access - opens May 5th @ 12PM EST, closes May 12th @ midnight PST

  • 1 live chat (60 min) - May 5th @ 8PM EST

  • 1 video group call (90 min) - May 12th @ 10AM PST (The video call will be recorded and shared, in case you are unable to make it.)

  • 8 days of simple prompts for reflection and action

  • Ideas and inspiration for creating your own one-day or half-day retreat (you can even design it around our closing circle!)

This is NOT a time-consuming experience but IS a deeply meaningful and impactful space of attention and care you can give yourself - body, heart, mind and spirit. We hope you will join us!
